

The section for the People's Republic of Frentucky has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Frentucky, People's Republic of

Dated: 13 August 2024


The section for the Bulwickian Republic of Evergreen has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Evergreen, Bulwickian Republic of

Dated: 10 August 2024


Abbreviations have been added to the List of Countries! Check it out!

Dated: 10 August 2024

End of Arzinian Cold War

The Arzinian Cold War has ended between Bulwick and its allies and Rutavet and its allies after 1 year of conflict.

Dated: 9 August 2024

Federal Democratic Republic of Kloba (F.D.R.K.)

Kloba has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 7 August 2024

Pelala Rebrand

The government of Pelala has decided to make a name change from the Divided Provisonal Government of Pelala to the Unified Federal Republic of Pelala

Dated: 21 July 2024

Socialist Republic of Slavanov

Slavanov has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 21 July 2024

Annexation of Mawik & Eldoria

Mawik got annexed by Evanova and eldoria by valhia

Dated: 18 July 2024

Simple map

I made a simple map so you dont die looking at the map

Dated: 16 July 2024

Empire of Nordhaven

Nordhaven has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 16 July 2024

Resurface of Pelala

The State of Funy in Pelala has been fully cleared. Populations are now allowed to reside in Pelala, but the whole government is now located in Funy until more states are resurfaced.

Dated: 15 July 2024

Flight Board

The Flight Board is currently on pause for a bit, while airports in each and every country get figured out. Soon, (maybe) there will be domestic flights running through Arzinia, but not international for a bit until I am able to complete the country maps (shown on Acematary and Airejordan's pages as of now)

Dated: 14 July 2024

Evanovan Union

The section for the Union of Evanovan Socialist Republics has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Evanovan Socialist Republics, Union of

P.S.: I guess i also added Eldoria but i never notified you people

Dated: 14 July 2024

Lingaland Rebrand

The government of Lingaland has decided to make a name change from the Republic of Lingaland to the Democratic Socialist Republic of Lingaland, to closer connect to its sister country on Earth, Sri Lanka, (Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka), whilst maintaining the same relations.

Dated: 7 July 2024

Antia-Niwovo/UINA War

Uh I dont really have a reason for this because the original reason was just not correct

Dated: 4 July 2024 (Started 25 June 2024)

New Evanovan Government

The government of the Republic of Evanova has switched to a communist government, declaring itself as the Union of Evanovan Socialist Republics (UESR) or can also be just called Evanova, like originally.

Dated: 6 June 2024

Annexation of Naoko

Naoko's president has dissappeared and Evanova has now claimed ownership over the land.

Dated: 6 June 2024

Shutdown of Pelala & Zimzam

Pelala and Zimzam's people (including travellers) have all mysteriously disappeared. The AUN has declared both countries to be part of the IPL, with a 5 kilometer protective area between the borders and the interior of the countries. Khandahar sent 7 people to go survey and gather information about what happened, however after 6 kilometers of exploration, they mysteriously disappeared after their last radio communication of them being chased by a creature that was believed to be a myth in Pelalan and Zimzamian folklore.

Dated: 3 June 2024

Confederation of Mawik

Mawik has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 1 June 2024

Khandahar v. Seamans

An important lawsuit has been filed in the Rizzlamabad High Court by the government of Khandahar against an individual named Dekhlaan Seamans for various crimes.

Dated: 21 May 2024

Kingdom of Kongsburg

Kongsburg has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 18 May 2024

Rizzistan Identity Change

Rizzistan has changed its name from the Caliphate of Rizzistan to the Sigmazai Emirate of Khandahar.

Dated: 16 May 2024

Kingdom of Vermilia

Vermilia has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 11 May 2024

Republic of Eldoria

Eldoria has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 11 May 2024

Full Wharian Independence

January 1, 2030 @ 12:00PM Bulwick Eastern Time

The President of Bulwick announces that after a long time of a Bulwickian and Bloominian controlled Wharia, and due to Bloominia pulling out of Wharia, they are announcing the complete independence of the Federal Republic of Wharia. They will still be in the alliances they were in before, said by the Wharian Prime Minister (now president). This will go into effect on January 2, 2030 @ 12:00AM Wharian West Time (formerly Bulwickian Wharia Time), or 1:00AM Wharian East Time (formerly Bloominian Wharia Time). After this announcement, parades all over the world enduce. Wharian citizens in Bulwick, especially in Bulwick City and Enwick gather in the streets and dance, with music playing throughout. The entirety of Wharia is engulfed in parades and festivals, with cheerful people. This is a truly monumental day in Wharian history, and Wharia declares January 1-2 a National Holiday, known as "Freedom Days." 

Dated: 6 May 2024

New Year 2030

Happy new year or something

Dated: 6 May 2024

End of Frentucky Civil War

End of the Frentucky Civil War. The People's Republic of Frentucky has walked in to the city of Fryid, which causes the Kingdom of Frentucky to capitulate.

Dated: 6 May 2024

Start of Arzinian Cold War

The Arzinian Cold War has begun between Bulwick and its allies and Rutavet and its allies.

Dated: 6 May 2024

End of Valhian-Wharian War

The Valhian-Wharian War has came to an end, and the reason is below.

Dated: 6 May 2024

Valhian land trade

Valhia has offered to pull their troops out of Wharia, and end the war, but only if Bulwick cedes over its possesion of Bulwickian Irupan. Bulwick accepts and Bulwickian Irupan is renamed to Eldoria.

Dated: 6 May 2024

Tashirsk joint exercise

The Rutavet Union has asked Tashirsk for a joint military exercise, however they decline due to protests throughout the country, and the Rutavet Union enters Tashirsk to help put down the protests on the morning of December 14, 2029.

Dated: 6 May 2024

Rutavet Union Nuclear Missiles

The Rutavet Union has positioned nuclear missiles in:
Limarde (Claimed by Rutavet, not recognized)
Granatian Penia, Granatia
Hunter's Bay

Dated: 6 May 2024

AOTO's request to UINA

The Aundian Ocean Treaty Organization has requested that the United Irupan Nations Alliance withdraw all 1,900,000 troops sent to Valhia to help invade Wharia. So far they withdrew 300,000.

Dated: 6 May 2024

Bulwicks posters against UINA

Bulwicks poster against UINA and Rutavet. They make people unsure of who to trust.

Dated: 5 May 2024

UINA posters against Bulwick

UINA posters begin popping up all over Arzinia, called "Bulwicks Manipulation." They work pretty well, making many people not too happy with Bulwick.

Dated: 4 May 2024

Exit of AOTO

Rizzistan has just departed from AOTO until "Rutavet and Bulwick stop jerking off each other"

Dated: 28 April 2024


The section for the Principality of Dulewa has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Dulewa, Principality of

Dated: 28 April 2024

Valhian-Wharian War

Valhia has declared war on Wharia due to political disputes. Valhia has been supported by all members of the UINA, and the UINA has provided help to Valhia in military aid.

Dated: 24 April 2024

Maskurg Annexation of North Gingerland

After many issues with border disputes, and political issues, Maskurg has decided to annex half of Gingerland in the

Dated 23 April 2024

Empire of Valhia

Valhia has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 13 April 2024

Granatia War End

After a roughly 4 months war, Bulwick has asked the Rutavet Union and the UINA if they would like to just end the war, for there was no victory for either side insight. Both nations do have to leave Granatia. Rutavet Union and UINA agreed to this.

Dated: 12 April 2024

Granatia War

The Rutavet Union has declared war on Bulwick for forcefully annexing Granatia, taking it as an attack on the continent of Irupan and has called in the UINA. The war is being fought between the Bulwickian Granatian Republic, the Granatia RSR, and the Granatian Free Lands.

Dated: 8 April 2024

Republic of Naoko

Naoko has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 7 April 2024

Start of the Frentucky Civil War

The Frentucky Civil War has just begun between the government (democrats/monarchists), communists, and Malagostani soldiers (fascist).

Dated: 4 April 2024

End of the Malagostani Civil War

The Malagostani Civil War has came to an end, with the victory of the government.

Dated: 3 April 2024

Krietarian-UINA War

The Krietarian-UINA War has just occurred when the Rutavet Union declared war on Krietaria as the latter attempted to seize unclaimed islands in the north of Irupan, with the results of the war in favor of the UINA. The effects of the war is in the image.

Dated: 3 April 2024

Free State of Rizmel

Rizmel has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 3 April 2024

Republic of New Market

New Market has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 31 March 2024

Federal Republic of Krietaria

Krietaria has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 23 March 2024

Time Zone map

A new map has been added, check it out on the Arzinia Homepage

Dated: 16 March 2024

Democratic Republic of Zimzam

Zimzam has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 25 February 2024


In relation to the "Too much" news post thing, I will be taking a break from Arzinia for approximately 2 weeks, maybe more, to complete school work, clear my brain, and work on YT videos (joshfold). Any "updates" unofficially made while I'm on my break WILL NOT count, and will be disposed

Dated: 25 February 2024

Currency Calculator

Yay new calculator provided by drtyweasl!

Dated: 25 February 2024

Democratic Republic of Zimzam

Zimzam has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 25 February 2024


Minecraft (no not the game) has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 25 February 2024

Cobrastan RSR

Cobrastan has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

(Cobrastan is a Republic of the Rutavet Union.)

Dated: 25 February 2024

Too much stuff

Man a lot of stuff is happening to the point where I cant keep up but Evanova is back under the Treaty of Elektrorechka as an independent state.

Dated: 25 February 2024


The section for the Kingdom of Coralia has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Coralia, Kingdom of

Dated: 24 February 2024


The section for the Kingdom of Chinada has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Chinada, Kingdom of

Dated: 23 February 2024


The section for the Republic of Chekania has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Chekania, Republic of

Dated: 23 February 2024


The UINA alliance was formed, with hopes of uniting the Irupan Nations. All Irupan nations automatically get a spot if they are willing to join. The UINA is needed for the security of the Irupan continent, and the stability of them. The UINA allows nation to have political discussions, host joint military exercises, as well as hosting political parties.  

Dated: (posted 23 February 2024) occurred: 12 February 2024

Spedistan RSR

It just came into existence, and it joined the Rutavet Union beacuse why not.

Dated: 23 February 2024


Spedistan has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 23 February 2024


The Evanovan RSR is currently annexed by Rizzistan under the Dominion of Edgeanova.

Dated: 16 February 2024

Treaty of Rutavet-Tashirsk

The Treaty of Rutavet-Tashirsk has been signed, I'm not writing allat

Dated: 15 February 2024


Evanova, who has just gotten out of a war, has joined the Rutavet Union (as an exclave).

Dated: 2 February 2024


Lingaland has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 2 February 2024

Country Update

Due to certain circumstances, North and South Gingerland have been reunified into Gingerland is under the control of the Arzinian United Nations (AUN).

Dated: 1 February 2024

Country Update

The Democratic Socialist Republic of Banana, with a different flag, is now the Republic of Banana, with the flag to the left.

Dated: 30 January 2024

Country Update

The Socialist Republic of Guhow, with a different flag, is now the Republic of Guhow, with the flag to the left.

Dated: 30 January 2024


WWI has just occurred and here is the Treaty of Yyani.

Treaty of Yyani

- Article 1: North Neves gets re-annexed back into Steida

- Article 2: Banana's government changes into a Republic

- Article 3: The Northern un-occupied land in Banana gets annexed into Ocewa

- Article 4: Evanova becomes an unorganized territory of Rizzistan

- Article 5: Gingerland is split into two countries, North Gingerland, belonging to a democratic government, and South Gingerland, belonging to a communist government.

- Article 6: South island of Evanova becomes part of Ataki

- Article 7: Guhow's government will change to a Republic

Dated: 28 January 2024

Camel Republic

The section for the Camel Republic has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Camel Republic

Dated: 28 January 2024

Country Swap

The Unitary State of Komachi has changed into the Dictatorship of Evanova, it has also changed its location.

Dated: 25 January 2024

Republic of Bulwick

The section for the Republic of Bulwick has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Bulwick, Republic of

Dated: 22 January 2024


Gingerland has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 22 January 2024

Camel Republic

The Camel Republic has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 10 January 2024


The Republic of Bulwick has guaranteed the independance the State of Garia. That means that if Garia is declared on (which won't happen because it's only border is Bulwick), Bulwick will join in on the war. This is not an alliance, where if one place is declared on, everyone joins.

Dated: 8 January 2024


(click to read)

Speech from Gariehjvap (yes i punched my keyboard), Leader of the Garia Tribe (now State of Garia):

"Esteemed delegates, leaders, and representatives of the Arzinia United Nations,

I stand before you today not only as a representative of my people but as a voice for the aspirations and dreams of an ancient tribe, the Garia. Our story is one of resilience, of a people rooted in the depths of tradition yet reaching for the skies of progress.

We, the Garia, were discovered by explorers from the Republic of Bulwick. Their arrival was not merely a meeting of two different civilizations, but a catalyst for the birth of a newfound hope. As we engaged in dialogue and shared our stories, we were offered the hand of partnership, the invitation to merge with a nation. However, our hearts yearned for something more profound—a chance to chart our destiny on our own terms.

Today, I proudly stand before you to declare the emergence of the State of Garia. In the spirit of mutual respect and understanding, we have chosen a path of sovereignty, carving our existence as a distinct entity. It is not in rejection of the alliances and friendships we have cultivated but a call for recognition of our unique identity, our customs, and our values.

We have journeyed from the depths of isolation to the embrace of Villageville, and now, to this esteemed gathering in Evergreen. Our journey has been guided by the unwavering belief that every community, regardless of size or circumstance, deserves the right to self-determination. 

I humbly request the nations represented here today to extend their hand in acknowledgment of our quest for independence. Recognizing the State of Garia is not just an act of diplomacy; it is a testament to the principles of equality, dignity, and unity that form the cornerstone of this august assembly.

We seek not isolation but integration, not barriers but bridges. We yearn to be partners in the tapestry of nations, contributing our unique hues and shades to the canvas of global cooperation.

In concluding, I appeal to your wisdom and benevolence. Extend your support, your recognition, and your goodwill to the State of Garia, as we embark on a journey toward a future where diversity is celebrated, and all voices resonate in harmony.

Thank you, from the Garian people." (Translated by something, i havent come up with a replacement of google)

Dated: 8 January 2024

State of Garia

The State of Garia has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 8 January 2024

Kingdom of Limarde

The Kingdom of Limarde has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 7 January 2024

Republic of Hunter's Bay

The Republic of Hunter's Bay has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 7 January 2024


In response to the recent earthquake and plane crash in Japan, money has been sent to Alukyo, to be later sent to Japan for condolences.

Dated: 5 January 2024


The Republic of Bulwick and the Rutavet Union have just signed a non-aggression pact, after the Rutavet Union joined the World Soviet Association.

Dated: 5 January 2024

Rutavet Union

The Rutavet Union has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 5 January 2024

Principality of Terian

The Principality of Terian has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 5 January 2024

Saint Kreno

Saint Kreno has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 5 January 2024

Kingdom of Chinada

The Kingdom of Chinada has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 5 January 2024


The Republic of Bulwick has guarenteed the indepdence of Nui Bandar and the Bulwickian Republic of Evergreen. That means that if Nui Bandar or Evergreen is declared on, Bulwick will join in on the war. This is not an alliance, where if one place is declared on, everyone joins.

Dated: 4 January 2024

Alliances page

There is now a page to track alliances!: Alliances

Dated: 4 January 2024

Sultanate of Rizzistan

The Sultanate of Rizzistan has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 4 January 2024

Kingdom of Pastria

The Kingdom of Pastria has been updated, with this new flag, however there is no current page for it yet.

Dated: 3 January 2024

Great Republic of Maskurg

The Great Republic of Maskurg has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 3 January 2024

Unitary State of Komachi

The Unitary State of Komachi has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 3 January 2024

Principality of Borneonistan

The section for the Principality of Borneonistan has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Borneonistan, Principality of

Dated: 2 January 2024

Commonwealth of Bloominia

The section for the Commonwealth of Bloominia has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Bloominia, Commonwealth of

Dated: 19 December 2023

Republic of Bellairis

The section for the Republic of Bellairis has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Bellairis, Republic of

Dated: 15 December 2023

Democracy of Basdville

The section for the Democracy of Basdville has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Basdville, Democracy of

Dated: 14 December 2023

Republic of the Bartix

The section for the Republic of the Bartix has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Bartix, Republic of the

Dated: 14 December 2023

Language Fix

The Wikipedia Links for other languages have been linked to the English Wikipedia, but now, it brings you to the language page, in the language of the paragraph you are reading!

Dated: 10 December 2023


The section for the Democratic People's Republic of Banana has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Banana, Democratic People's Republic of

Dated: 10 December 2023

Republic of Ataki

The section for the Republic of Ataki has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Ataki, Republic of

Dated: 5 December 2023

Republic of Antia

The section for the Republic of Antia has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Antia, Republic of

Dated: 4 December 2023

County of Alukyo

The section for the County of Alukyo has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Alukyo, County of

Dated: 3 December 2023

Kingdom of Alkreba

The section for the Kingdom of Alkreba has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Alkreba, Kingdom of

Dated: 3 December 2023

Republic of Nirosho

The Republic of Nirosho has just been added to Arzinia, but currently it doesn't have a flag, nor does it have a page yet, so you'll have to wait for that!

Dated: 3 December 2023

Republic of Acematary

The section for the Republic of Acematary has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Acematary, Republic of

Dated: 24 November 2023

Republic of Airejordan

The section for the Republic of Airejordan has been added! Go check it out by viewing it through List of Countries > Airejordan, Republic of

Dated: 24 November 2023