State of Garia

Basic Information

Garia is a country that lies within the continent of North Vespus, with the capital of Gara, with a border with Bulwick to the east. Garia is the last country in Arzinia to predominantly speak a native language to the country. The official language of Garia is Garian. In English, Garia's predecessor is the People's Republic of Frentucky and successor is Gingerland.

Translation (GR):

ߊ‎ߣߜ ߜߊ‎ߙ‎ߌߊ‎ ߌߛߊ‎ ߞߊ‎ ߔߎߣߜߛߏ‎ߘ ߣߜߊ‎ ߣߊ‎ߤߊ‎ߡ‎ߕߊ‎ߣߜ ߛߊ‎ ߛߎlߏ‎ߘ ߛߊ‎ߣߜ ߞߏ‎ߣߕߌߣߋߣߕߋ ߛߊ‎ߣߜ ߣߏ‎ߙ‎ߕߤ vߋߛߔߎߛ, ߣߜߊ‎ ߡ‎ߊ‎y ߞߊ‎ߔߌߕߊ‎l ߣߜߊ‎ ߜߊ‎ߙ‎ߊ‎, ߣߜߊ‎ ߡ‎ߊ‎y ߘߎlߎߣߊ‎ߣ ߛߊ‎ ߓߎlߥ‎ߌߗߞ ߛߊ‎ ߛߌߘlߊ‎ߣߜߊ‎ߣ. ߊ‎ߣߜ ߜߊ‎ߙ‎ߌߊ‎ ߊ‎ߡ‎ߏ‎ ߊ‎ߣߜ ߞߊ‎ߕߊ‎ߔߎߛߊ‎ߣ ߣߜߊ‎ ߔߎߣߜߛߏ‎ߘ ߛߊ‎ ߊ‎ߙ‎zߌߣߌߊ‎ ߣߜߊ‎ ߣߊ‎ߜߊ‎ߤߊ‎ߡ‎ߓߊ‎l ߛߌߣߜ ߕߎߡ‎ߊ‎ߣߘߏ‎ߞ ߣߜߊ‎ lߋߣߜߎߊ‎ߤߋ ߛߊ‎ ߔߎߣߜߛߏ‎ߘ. ߊ‎ߊ‎ߣߜ ߏ‎ߔߌߛyߊ‎l ߣߜߊ‎ lߋߣߜߎߊ‎ߤߋ ߛߊ‎ߣߜ ߜߊ‎ߙ‎ߌߊ‎ ߊ‎ߡ‎ߏ‎ ߊ‎ߣߜ ߜߊ‎ߙ‎ߌߊ‎ߣ, ߣߜߊ‎ ߡ‎ߊ‎y ߔߌlߊ‎ ߞߊ‎ ߡ‎ߜߊ‎ ߣߊ‎ߜߊ‎ߤߊ‎ߡ‎ߓߊ‎l ߛߊ‎ߣߜ ߓߎlߥ‎ߌߛߤ ߛߊ‎ ߛߌߘlߊ‎ߣߜߊ‎ߣ. ߛߊ‎ ߌߣߜlߋߛ, ߊ‎ߣߜ ߜߌߣߛߎߣߘߊ‎ߣ ߣߌ ߜߊ‎ߙ‎ߌߊ‎ ߊ‎ߡ‎ߏ‎ ߊ‎ߣߜ ߔߋߏ‎ߔlߋߛ ߙ‎ߋߔߎߓlߌߗ ߏ‎ߝ ߝߙ‎ߋߣߕߎߗߞy ߞߊ‎ߜ ߊ‎ߣߜ ߜߌߣߓߎߛlߊ‎ߣ ߊ‎ߡ‎ߏ‎ ߊ‎ߣߜ ߜߌߣߜߋߙ‎lߊ‎ߣߘ.