State of Garia
Basic Information
Garia is a country that lies within the continent of North Vespus, with the capital of Gara, with a border with Bulwick to the east. Garia is the last country in Arzinia to predominantly speak a native language to the country. The official language of Garia is Garian. In English, Garia's predecessor is the People's Republic of Frentucky and successor is Gingerland.
Translation (GR):
ߊߣߜ ߜߊߙߌߊ ߌߛߊ ߞߊ ߔߎߣߜߛߏߘ ߣߜߊ ߣߊߤߊߡߕߊߣߜ ߛߊ ߛߎlߏߘ ߛߊߣߜ ߞߏߣߕߌߣߋߣߕߋ ߛߊߣߜ ߣߏߙߕߤ vߋߛߔߎߛ, ߣߜߊ ߡߊy ߞߊߔߌߕߊl ߣߜߊ ߜߊߙߊ, ߣߜߊ ߡߊy ߘߎlߎߣߊߣ ߛߊ ߓߎlߥߌߗߞ ߛߊ ߛߌߘlߊߣߜߊߣ. ߊߣߜ ߜߊߙߌߊ ߊߡߏ ߊߣߜ ߞߊߕߊߔߎߛߊߣ ߣߜߊ ߔߎߣߜߛߏߘ ߛߊ ߊߙzߌߣߌߊ ߣߜߊ ߣߊߜߊߤߊߡߓߊl ߛߌߣߜ ߕߎߡߊߣߘߏߞ ߣߜߊ lߋߣߜߎߊߤߋ ߛߊ ߔߎߣߜߛߏߘ. ߊߊߣߜ ߏߔߌߛyߊl ߣߜߊ lߋߣߜߎߊߤߋ ߛߊߣߜ ߜߊߙߌߊ ߊߡߏ ߊߣߜ ߜߊߙߌߊߣ, ߣߜߊ ߡߊy ߔߌlߊ ߞߊ ߡߜߊ ߣߊߜߊߤߊߡߓߊl ߛߊߣߜ ߓߎlߥߌߛߤ ߛߊ ߛߌߘlߊߣߜߊߣ. ߛߊ ߌߣߜlߋߛ, ߊߣߜ ߜߌߣߛߎߣߘߊߣ ߣߌ ߜߊߙߌߊ ߊߡߏ ߊߣߜ ߔߋߏߔlߋߛ ߙߋߔߎߓlߌߗ ߏߝ ߝߙߋߣߕߎߗߞy ߞߊߜ ߊߣߜ ߜߌߣߓߎߛlߊߣ ߊߡߏ ߊߣߜ ߜߌߣߜߋߙlߊߣߘ.