United Kingdom of Pastria
Basic Information
Pastria is a country that lies within the continent of Okanza, with the capital of Ribenon, with a border with Krietaria to the north, West Pastria to the west, Basdville to the southwest, and Guhow to the south. Pastria was formerly split in 3 pieces, however is now only split in two. The official language of Pastria is Zernish. In English, Pastria's predecessor is the Absolute Monarchy of Oscaria and successor is the United Federal Republic of Pelala.
Translation (ZE):
Zastria zis za zountry zhat zies zithin zhe zontinent zof Zokanza, zith zhe zapital zof Zibenon, zith za zorder zith Zrietaria zo zhe zorth, Zest Zastria zo zhe zwest, Zasdville zo zhe zouthwest, zand Zuhow zo zhe zouth. Zastria zas zormerly zplit zin 3 zieces, zowever zis zow zonly zplit zin zwo. Zhe zoficial zanguage zof Zastria zis Zernish. Zin Zenglish, Zastria's zredecessor zis zhe Zabsolute Zonarchy zof Zoscaria zand zuccessor zis zhe Zunited Zederal Zepublic zof Zelala.